...and other applications for 3D-printed formworks
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"It's a solution in search of a problem. First, let's point out what is unique: the fact that the form work can be folded up for storage and transport. It's a feature that might lend itself to remote or primitive site construction where just getting conventional forms on site is a challenge. It's drawbacks are that it it is a formwork that is easily damaged meaning it's lower initial cost will, in the long run, be off-set by having to create new forms to achieve the same number of pours a more robust, but more expensive, form system achieves with a single manufacturing. It's a form work that doesn't have a flat top meaning fill of some sort must be added to achieve a level surface that can become a floor. We already have forming systems that use variable geometry to create slabs that use less concrete than a planar slab would to achieve the same load bearing capacity. Waffle slab forming systems, carton-void systems, etc. already achieve high efficiency without the drawbacks of this system."
"The first thing that comes to mind is the novel 1984, with bureaucrats slaving away to keep files on everyone and everything. So much more efficient and sanitary with computers. /s"
"Easy does it guys: just because you recognize this as a specialized product that already exists in a particular field doesn't mean everyone else does."
"Our sewage infrastructure is not designed for toilets like this. They are designed with solids being conveyed by liquids. Remember the first law of sewerage design: never let your liquids outrun your solids. Without liquid to keep the solids moving you have blockage."
"2052's Hottest Accessory! Your own personal EMP grenade for when your autonomous humanoid robot just goes haywire! Don't let a robot mutiny ruin your day™!"